M7 Introduction to Research Dissemination

Student Guide <here>

Introduction to research dissemination seeks to introduce students to the process of dissemination of results. This process will be divided into two areas:

  • The oral presentations made, with quality standards at the level of formal content, oral and through correct use of nonverbal languate
  • The writing of sicentific papers for publication in journals and conference proceedings. This process covers both the academic writing style, the acquisition of competences in the use of writing tools for scientific dissemination (LaTeX), and the knowledge of the publication pipeline.
  • Finally, we deal with some important issues regarding ethical issues in research and plagiarism.

The course as a part of the master in Computer Vision deals with the non vision-based and transversal aspects of research dissemination.

This module 7 is completely independent in terms of contents (although not in terms of activities) from Modules 1-4 that are simultaneously offered by the other 3 Universities of the consortium.

The main competences of the course will consist on:

Basic competences:

  • Students should be able to integrate knowledge and handle complexity, formulate judgments based on information that was incomplete or limited, include reflecting on social and ethial responsabilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
  • Students should be able to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge underlying their work to specialist and non-specialist audiences in a clear and unambigous way

Specific competences:

  • Communicate and disseminate the results and findings of the investigation.
  • Knowing how to make an oral presentation of a technical nature
  • Knowing how to prepare a scientifc paper usign standard editing tools.

General competences:

  • Practice the profession with awareness of its human, economic, legal and ethical dimension and with a clear commitment to quality.
  • Work in multidisciplinary teams

The course will be divided in 5 different topics, with specific activities that will be assessed at the end of each module.

  1. – Edition of scientific texts: LaTeX
  2. – Presentation of research results:
    • Information and Format
    • Oral Presentations
  3. Writing scientific papers
    • Scientific Text
    • Style
  4. Publication of research results
    • Journals and conferences
    • The publishing process
    • The relevance and impact of a publication
  5. Ethics in R & D