C8 Master Dissertation

The aim of this module is the student individually performs a project and writes a dissertation under the mentoring of an Academic supervisor. The expected total workload of this module is 300 hours.

Usually, the work on the project starts in May once the rest of modules are finished, but this can adapt to each case.  Previously, the student had to select a project, the selection period starts on April, once the students know about the topics of all courses. The student will select one project from one of these two lists:

Academic Projects are proposed by the Academic staff from the 4 universities involved in this master, most of them are research projects that could, not have to, be the start for a PhD work. An opportunity for a research experience.

Company Projects are proposed by companies and have been assigned with an Academic supervisor to do the mentoring part, this kind of projects are Internships that will require the signature of an Educational Agreement between the student, the UAB and the company. You can find more information <here>

Other options are the following two: (a) the student can propose its own project <here>, in this case the Master coordination analyses the project viability and helps the student to find an Academic supervisor; and (b) the student wants to do the project in the frame of his job, in this case the company can insert the project proposal <here> as the rest of Internships and pre-assign it to the student.

Once the project is finished the student will write a master dissertation and present it in a viva. It will be evaluated by a committee of 3 Academic members. Most of the project’s evaluations are usually scheduled in the 2nd or 3rd week of September, but it can also be around the 2nd week of July if the student has the work finished before. The student can decide to publish the dissertation report at the DDD-UAB Digital Repository of Documents by doing the following <steps>

The details on the exact dates and format of the dissertation are given in the C8 Moodle room at the UAB Campus Virtual.

The student’s guide can be found <here>