Jobs, Interns & Phd Grants

Job offers & InternshipsPhd Studentships
AI & DS Researcher at IRTA [+]_25/09/2024Phd at IRTA [+]_25/09/2024
2 Internships at CVC-MSIAU Group [+]_31/07/2024Phd at UPF [+]_05/05/2024
Engineer on Medical Image [+]_13/06/2024Industrial Phd at UOC [+]_23/04/2024
CV Engineer at Improfit [+]_05/03/2024Ellis PhD Call [+]_06/11/2023
CV Engineer at AR Magic Lantern – UPF [+]_19/01/2024PhD at UOC [+]_06/11/2023
Research Assistant in video matting [+]_15/01/2024PhD at UPF Vision&Language [+]_19/10/2023
Research Assistant in face and body analysis [+]_15/01/2024PhD at UPF [+]_31/07/2023
Trainee Program at Milestone [+]_08/01/2024MdM-UPF-Amsterdam Univ PhD
Apply[+] info [+]_19/07/2023
PostDoc at Universitat Pompeu Fabra [+]_10/11/2023Intern Mitek Systems/ID R&D [+]_12/06/2023
PostDoc Researcher at Theker Robotics [+]_30/11/2023Intern Mitek Systems/ID R&D [+]_12/06/2023
2 Internships at CVC-MSIAU [+]_15/10/2023UPF 10 Phd Positions [+]_05/05/2023
Senior CV Eng. at Osholo (Remote) [+]_07/09/2023 PAgPROTECT project UdL [+]-05/04/2023
Associate/Junior CV Enginner at Osholo (Remote) [+]_07/09/2023Univ. Vigo PhD Position [+] – 23/02/2023
Internships at Ctrl4Enviro [+]-30/08/2023I2cat Phd Position [+]_15/02/2023
Eng. for Biomed. Images at ParcTauli [+]-06/06/2023UAB Phd Position [+] _24/01/2023
Research Engineer DL for CV at UB [+]-13/04/2023UPF Phd Position [+] _14/01/2023
2 Machine Learning Engineers at HP [+][+]-2/02/2023IRTA Phd Position [+]_14/01/2023
Research Engineer at BSC [+] -26/01/2023UPC/UB PhD position [+] _03/11/2022 Deep-Learning Engineer [+] -20/01/2023UDL proposals [+] – 01/02/2022
CV Engineer at Milestone Systems [+] -17/01/2023UOC doctoral programmes [+] – 26/01/2021
CV Engineer at Near Space Lab [+] – 07/06/2022Internship at Yokai [+] [+] – 01/12/2021
DL Engineer Position at [+] – 15/05/2022FPU call at CVC [+] – 23/11/2021
3 Open positions at [+] [+] [+] – 12/05/2022PhD Position at ETS Montreal [+] – 14/06/2021
Junior ML Developer / Engineer [+] – 14/01/2021PhD Position at UB [+] – 10/02/2021
Junior MLOps/ Architect [+] – 14/01/2021 PhD Position at UB [+] – 10/02/2021
Machine Learning Specialist [+] – 29/11/2021PhD Position at Nielsen [+] – 07/01/2021
Machine Learning Engineer/Scientist [+] – 18/11/2021
CV Engineer [+] – 25/10/2021
Machine Learning Engineer at Sonicat [+] – 03/09/2021
Vision Systems Engineer at FICOSA [+] – 27/07/2021
CV Engineer at Floorfy [+] [+] – 29/06/2021
CV Engineer at Coronis [+] – 25/05/2021
Machine Learning at Robbie AI [+] – 18/05/2021
Machine Learning Engineer CETAQUA [+] – 26/03/2021
TDA Perception Engineer [+] [+] – 25/03/2021
Advanced Image Analysis and AI [+] – 26/02/2021
CV Engineer at MICROPTIC [+] – 22/02/2021
Machine Learning (Sim2Real) [+] – 07/01/2021
Machine Learning Researcher/Scientist [+] – 07/01/2021