MCV Internships

<<If you are a student looking for Internships at CV companies not linked to a Master Dissertation Project, click <here> >>

MCV students can do their final project as interns in companies. The master project involves the development of a computer vision innovation project of 225 hours of student work, that should be remunerated to the student. Every year the Master coordination agrees a minimun stipend of 11 euros per hour.

If you are a student, you can see the project proposed by companies at this <link>

If you are a company, you can make a project proposal for one of our master students following this <guidelines> and inserting your proposal at this <form>, before to do it you have to consider the following:

  • About the project proposal. The proposal will be evaluated by the coordination who will contact the company, and an academic supervisor will be assigned. Afterwards, it will be made visible at this website and students can select it.
  • If one student selects your proposal and you agree on it, then an Educational Agreement will have to be signed between Student, Company and UAB. The Agreement and the steps to sign can be seen <here>.
  • Intellectual property and Confidentiality requirements for these projects are explained <here>