Signing an Educational Agreement

Step 1. Check the content of the Educational Agreement, there are two types:

  • If the student interns at the company through this project, the Educational Agreement is <this one>
  • If the student is already hired by the company, the Educational Agreement is <this one>

Step 2. Once the student is assigned to a company project, the coordination will start the signing process .

Step 3. The company contact will receive an email from: with the subject: “MCV-EA to sign …” with the instructions and a link to start the process.

Step 4. The student and the company will receive and email from with the filled agreement. All the parts must sign in the same way, preferably electronically (ID-cat, FNMT or any other trusted provider), or hand-written. For further information about signature contact the previous e-mail.

>>> Important Note: Keep in mind that this signing process can require 2 weeks, therefore the Internship Start Date has to be 2 weeks ahead at the moment to fill the form.