
Great News! record-breaking 42% of Women enrolling as new MCV students for Academic Year 2024-2025

ACMCV 2024 will take place on September 17th at the Computer Vision Center.

Academic Year 2024-2025. The pre-registration period for the master’s degree in Computer Vision for October 2024 intake is now open and will close on April 5rd, 2023, Publication and notification of admission will be from May 2nd, 2024. An extra period will be from May 3rd to June 23th, 2024 and publication and notification will be from July 10th, 2024. We highly encourage you to apply within the first period, although you have not yet finished your degree, a conditioned admission can be done. The courses will start on September 30th, 2024, and the Welcome Session will take place on September, the 27th at Computer Vision Center (UAB Campus) at 4pm.

Academic Year 2023-2024. The Welcome Session took place on September, the 29th at Computer Vision Center (UAB Campus) at 4pm [photo,pdf]. Courses started on October, the 2nd, they are taking place at different Barcelona Campuses depending on course coordination,

 C1 and C6 (UPC) at Campus Nord. The last part of C6 will be at UB Campus Edifici històric

 C2 and C4 (UPF) at Campus Poblenou

 C3 and C5 (UAB) at Campus Bellaterra. The last part of C5 will be at UB Campus Edifici històric.

 C7 (UOC) is online through the Virtual Campus of UOC 

A generic Year Calendar for 2023-2024 is <here>, more details are given at each course page (right-side menu)

Changes for the Academic Year 2023-2024. This master will be improved by incorporating a new partner, Universitat de Barcelona (Campus Edifici històric) updating contents, <New Program>, and schedule, <New Schedule>.

Congratulations to 2022 Graduated Students. Two Master Dissertations of our students, Marcos V. Conde and Juan A. Rodriguez, have been accepted for publication at WACV’23:

Perceptual Image Enhancement for Smartphone Real-Time Applications

OCR-VQGAN: Taming Text-within-Image Generation

Academic Year 2022-23 started on October 3rd with a Welcome Session that took place at CVC [photo,pdf].

Academic Year 2021-22 started on October 1st with a Welcome Session that took place at CVC [photo,pdf]